Answer for Short Quiz 2
1. Annotated diagram to show the characteristics and landforms in the middle course of a river
-- students should be able to label the following:
-- winding river in the middle course
-- convex/concave bank
-- erosion on concave bank due to fast flowing water
-- deposition on convex bank due to slow flowing water
-- bluff/river cliff
-- slip-off slope
-- asymmetrical cross-section (any 6)
2. weathering process
-- block disintegration
-- in well-jointed rocks/granite
-- heating during daytime --> expansion
-- cooling at night --> contraction
-- alternate expansion and contraction
-- creates stress on rocks
-- cracks are widened
-- rocks break up block by block (any 6)
3. chemically-weathered rocks
-- by rainwater
-- under high temperature
-- through the processes of hydration/hydrolysis/oxidation/carbonation/solution (any 2 --> 2 marks)
-- e.g. spheroidal weathering/honeycomb weathering (any 3)